
Grand Superintendent and High Prelate
Right Eminent Knight Priest
John MacKinnon

Warmly welcomes you


Welcome to the website of District No. 43 of Germany and the Gulf of Guinea of‘The Holy Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests and Order of Holy Wisdom’. This Order is often referred to as ‘The Knight Templar Priests or just ‘KTP’.

To be considered for membership of the Order you must be a subscribing member of a Knights Templar Preceptory belonging to a Great Priory that is recognised by the Great Priory of England & Wales.

The District has two Tabernacles in Germany working in the English language in Herford and Mönchengladbach and two Tabernacles in the Gulf of Guinea working in the French language in Togo and Ivory Coast.

On this website you will find some general information about the Order and the District.


Grand Superintendent and High Prelate
RE Kt. Pt. John MacKinnon (Inducted 12th June 2020)

District Recorder
V Ill Kt Pt Roddy Mackenzie KHW, PG VII P

District Director of Ceremonies
R.Em Kt Pt Joseph Maison CM KHW PG VII P

Kt Pt Dean Thompson
Deputy District Director of Ceremonies
Kt P Michael McCarthy

Deputy District Director of Ceremonies
ILL Kt Pt Aristote Hans-Moevi PG IV P

Order of Holy Wisdom Coordinator
ILL Kt Pt Sam Bachir CHW PG II P

Past Grand Superintendents District 43
1997-2020 R ILL Kt Pt N R J Woodhouse  GHP Award

Holders of Grand High Priest’s Award
2011  R ILL Kt Pt N R J Woodhouse PG Supt

Holders of Certificate of Honour
2011  R.Em Kt Pt A A Holtum KHW PG VII P
2017  R.Em Kt Pt P G Kok KHW PG VII P
2023  R.Em Kt Pt Joseph Maison CM KHW PG VII P

All correspondence through the District Recorder


This website was created: 29 June 2020
                        updated: 17 June 2024
                     checked: Daily