Celebrating 100 Years
Grand College Assembly – Hinkley
June 2024
Hot on the tail of a stunning Centenary celebratory Church Service in the iconic medieval Cathedral in Newcastle, the Annual meeting of the Grand College took place in its usual haunt at the Leonado Island Hotel (Hinkley, near Leicester) on Saturday 8th June 2024. The District Superintendent, Shiny MacKinnon was this year ably supported with members of his District , including Roddy MacKenzie, Joseph Maison, Ian Livermoore , Mark Stanley, Michael McCarthy and Ian Harper. Some drove via the Channel tunnel, some by ferry whilst one (Mark Stanley) flew in making his way by train to Hinkley to be met at the station by the jobbing chauffeur, Ian Harper. Above all, travel to the venue was trouble free with access and parking at the site very easy.
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Celebrating 100 Years
at Ground Zero where the Order Founded
May 2024
Members of District 43 made the pilgrimage to the North of England to join the Grand College as it celebrated the Order’s Centenary, a once in a life time event. Planning for the visit started in January and following many meetings and emails, Knights Priests from the District journeyed by land sea and air to assemble in Newcastle.
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The New Bonds of Friendship Created
with Northumberland and Durham District
May 2024
In anticipation of attending the Order’s Centenary celebrations, Knights Priests from District 43 assembled in Newcastle a few a days before the event with the intent of enjoying a little sight seeing and visiting other local Tabernacles.
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Setting New Standards in Ceremonial in District 43
March 2024
Herford became the unexpected centre of quite remarkable ceremonial delivery on 23rd March 2024. Following the preparation and setting up of the Tabernacle by the District 43 by its District Grand Superintendent, R Em Kt Pt John MacKinnon and the Recorder of Pilgrims Tabernacle No.120, Em Kt P Ian Harper, things started to take a magical turn for the better. For the first time, even the chairs were dressed bringing a new sense of occasion to the Tabernacle.
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